Prince Andrew Had A RIGHT To Be At Prince Philip’s Memorial Service Otesanya David April 1, 2022

Prince Andrew Had A RIGHT To Be At Prince Philip’s Memorial Service

Prince Andrew Had A RIGHT To Be At Prince Philip’s Memorial Service


Prince Andrew is more than just a royal disgrace – For the past couple of weeks, the British Royal family has been met with a barrage of bias attacks from a large portion of the royal press pack. While the monarchy is feeling the pressure from the Cambridges’ recent Caribbean tour, the so-called royal reporters have now turned their attention to Prince Andrew’s appearance at Prince Philip’s memorial.

Despite what Prince Andrew may or may not have done regarding Virginia Roberts, he had a right to be at his father, Prince Philip’s memorial. What the press can’t do, is drop the sentiment that they’ve created. They see him as if he’s committed murder. All he did was make some bad decisions regarding who he spent his time with. What our opinion is regarding whether Prince Andrew is guilty or not can be found here.

While many people don’t see the situation as we do, some agree with our opinion. Brittany of the Royal News Network said in her latest video that she had no issues with Prince Andrew being at the service. Prince Philip was his father, and according to Rob Harris of the Sydney Morning Herald, this is unacceptable.

Okay, this is where we have issues. What people forget is that Her Majesty has put her nation – the entirety of the Commonwealth – before herself and her family in her 70-year reign. Her late husband’s memorial is one of the few moments where she has just been a widowed wife. A mother. A grandmother. A great-grandmother. According to People Magazine’s Erin Hill and Simon Perry, she insisted it be Prince Andrew who escorted her into Westminister Abbey.

Prince Andrew Is The Logical Choice

As Brittany mentioned in the aforementioned linked video, Prince Andrew is the only one of The Queen’s children who isn’t currently married. Charles has Camilla. Anne has Timothy. Edward has Sophie. It made more sense for him to escort her and not one of his brothers or sister.

Now, if you’ve read this far, we guess you’re outraged that we’re choosing to “support” a vile human being like Prince Andrew. Here’s the thing. We DON’T support what he did or didn’t do. He’s no better than Oprah, who was friends with Harvey Weinstein. Yet, no one criticises her dodgy friendship with a now-known sex offender. We will NEVER support vile behaviour such as what the Duke of York has displayed. Not to mention, he is just as much a spoilt man-child as that rogue nephew of his.

In all honesty, Prince Andrew is more honourable than Harry is. At least he had the nerve to show his face. The red-headed buffoon, meanwhile, is paranoid that the UK is unsafe. He will live with regret for the rest of his life.


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