Meet Fashion, Glamour and Styling Queen Yamani Caliwara

MIHM-Tell us a little bit about you, where are you from and what inspired you to pursue a career in the fashion, glamour and styling business?
YC-I was born and raised in the Philippines. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design. I took up Fashion Styling at Style 2020 Academy in Los Angeles. I am currently enrolled at Parsons School of Design studying Fashion Industry. I am a Fashion Editor for a few prestigious magazines in the industry. I am an artist. I love anything related to art, whether it’s design, beauty, fashion or styling. I have always been a creative person; I am very fortunate and blessed to come from a family of creative minds.
MIHM-You are a very busy person, how do you divide your time between family, work and pleasure?
YC-My family is always my priority. Family first before anything and anyone. I try to balance everything to have a pleasant and productive life. My two daughters are my number one priority and they’re my inspiration. I guide and support them and I always make sure that they are the front and center of my life.
MIHM- What do you see yourself doing in five years?
YC-I wish I could stop and just relax in 5 years but I see myself still very involve in fashion, styling, filming, and designing. Learning never stops and I will always be at my daughters side to guide and support them. I can say I’m successful when I see them doing good in whatever they do. They’re still in school and my eldest is also busy with work, she has her own jewelry line and she is very active in professional dancing. I wish nothing but the best for children.
MIHM-You are receiving the 2021 most Promising Actress in Hollywood and the 2021 Best in Fashion & Styling awards at the 20th Annual Gawad Amerika awards, tell us more.
YC-Fortunately, I’ve been receiving these awards. Best in Fashion and Styling for 5 years straight. I’m very happy that they recognize my hard work especially when it comes to the film industry. I style actors and actresses and design outfits for them for the film. I also received the 2021 Most Promising Actress in Hollywood Award. I did 3 films the last year, Harbor Project 2019, Team of Two 2021 and The Boss Man all these will be shown next year.
MIHM-If you could work with somebody you admire, celebrity, politician, musician, leader or anybody else who would it be and why?
YC-I would love to work with Kris Jenner. She guided and nurtured her four daughters to achieve success. She is a mother and the pillar of the family. She is a great business manager for all her daughters and I commend her for being a great mentor to them.

MIHM- You are going to be in two coffee table books Philippine Best Dressed 2021 and Club Bulakeno 2021, please tell us more.
YC-Philippines Best Dressed and Club Bulakeno has given recognition to a select group of women who have all made an indelible success in their chosen industry and a significant contribution to society. The Best Dressed Women of the Philippines allowed me to have another runway to help the underprivileged through its charitable work. I’m very thankful to the committee that chose me to be part of these honorable and compassionate organizations and I’m happy to be part of these group of wonderful people.
MIHM- How are you dealing with the quarantine and current pandemic?
YC-It has now been two years since the start of Covid 19 pandemic; the virus has changed everyone’s lives worldwide but things are better now compared to last year. I always feel worried and I’m very careful especially for my daughters. This pandemic is not forever. In the meantime, I have to make sacrifices not only for me and for my family but for others as well.
MIHM-You are working on several movies right now including Team of Two, tell us about your experience working on this movie.
YC-I had a great time filming Team of Two. Everyone was great and I can’t wait to share this movie soon. It’s truly an honor to be working with the producers, directors, actors of this film. This movie has a great cast and the story is fun and crazy. I am sure you will all like it. For more information you may google Team of Two movie.
MIHM-How can people reach you, do you have social media, website, etc.
YC-Yes, I do. My website is www.houseofyamani.com. Facebook is Yamani Caliwara. Facebook and Instagram business page is House of Yamani IMDb link www.imdb.com/Yamani Caliwara

Styling: House of Yamani www.houseofyamani.com
Jewelry: Lux Virsi by Heather Ongpauco www.luxvirsi.com
Photo by : Leonato August
Assisted by : Amanda Christine
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