Half-Siblings Of Jasmine Delaney, Rose And Xander Arrive In Summer Bay Otesanya David March 25, 2022

Half-Siblings Of Jasmine Delaney, Rose And Xander Arrive In Summer Bay

Half-Siblings Of Jasmine Delaney, Rose And Xander Arrive In Summer Bay


HALF-SIBLINGS INCOMING! Jasmine will receive a shock when two half-siblings suddenly show up on her (or rather, Irene’s) doorstep! Rose Delaney and Xander will make their debut next week. We’ve known about their existence for a few months, but we didn’t know they were connected until a new promo dropped earlier in the week.

Before we continue, the promo only tells us that Rose is a sibling to Jasmine. However, Back to the Bay jumped on a detail we missed. There’s a line spoken by Xander where he says, “You were in dad’s will.” This could mean a couple of things. One is that he is one of two half-siblings. Or, the second is he is Jasmine’s stepbrother, who was raised by her father. Moreover, this might be the case as his last name hasn’t been revealed, while Rose’s has.

We also want to say that there is a difference between stepsiblings and half-siblings. We see this confusion all the time. So, a stepsibling is someone whose parent marries another person with a child or children. Half-siblings are the result of a relationship where a person has a child with someone else who is not your other parent.

For example, Mac and Dean are half-siblings. They share a father in Rick Booth but not the same mother. It’s the same with Alf’s two daughters, Roo and Quinn (Ryder’s mother). They’re half-siblings because Alf is their father, but they have two different mothers. Also, they have two half-brothers in Duncan (Alf’s son with Alisa) and Owen Dalby, who was the father of Ric Dalby. Rick is Alf’s grandson, who appeared some years ago. We just wanted to clear up before we continue.

Why Are Jasmine’s (Potential) Half-Siblings Showing Up Now?

We need to talk about why Rose and Xander have suddenly shown up. Given what Xander says in the promo, their father has died, and Jasmine was in the will. This means he and Rose were tasked with tracking her down.

Rose explains to Jasmine that she has an inheritance, but this is thrown back in her face when the nurse immediately cuts her off. Jas tells her that she doesn’t want it or anything to do with her. Now, there’s an explanation for this. Any talk of her father is a sore subject as he abandoned her to the foster system when she was young. This occurred after her mother’s death in a car accident. Also, this is the reason she hates her birthday.

Any reminder of the parent who abandoned her makes her upset. So, for her half-siblings to suddenly show up will trigger her. Anyway, Sam Warner of Digital Spy did a bit of a deep dive into this. He explains that Cash, Jasmine’s cop boyfriend, looks into Rose and Xander’s claims that they’re her relatives and says they’re telling the truth.

Now, in tonight’s episode, Cash gives Jasmine some “bad news.” This is likely the death of her father. Ultimately, this paves the way for Rose and Xander’s arrival. Usually, when they bring in new characters connected to someone else, there’s setup. However, there are cases when there isn’t. The arrival of Leah’s nephew, Theo, is an example. However, he is set up for Dimitri’s arrival. Dimitri has been teased in recent episodes too.

Rose Surprises Cash

Rose gets an action scene in the promo too. We see her arrest some dude, which Cash assumes is a citizen’s arrest. However, she later produces her badge to reveal she’s a cop. Also, she’s totally into him, but she sees him kissing Jasmine and causes a brief glimpse of jealousy. Could this lead to tensions with her new sister? If there is, it might explain why Jasmine leaves the Bay later in the year. We don’t know.

Anyway, it looks like Rose and Cash will be working together. Knowing the way soap operas work, it might be awkward. That’s what makes it F-U-N!

Where Does Xander Sit In All This?

To end this post, we’re underwhelmed with the lack of Xander in the promo. It’s mostly Rose, her instant attraction to Cash, potential conflict with Jasmine, and her being a cop. This leads us to wonder where Xander sits in this story. It’s unclear given his lack of appearance in the promo.

Though, it might be possible he is following Rose’s lead rather than them sharing the storyline. However, it appears it was his idea to track Jasmine down. We’ve come to this conclusion due to what he says to Rose that maybe it was a mistake to be there in the first place.

Hopefully, we will know more soon.


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