Top 25 Tips To Find A Content Writing Service Otesanya David March 27, 2022

Top 25 Tips To Find A Content Writing Service

Top 25 Tips To Find A Content Writing Service


With the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, most of the businesses across the planet have moved online. However, moving a business online often comes with few sets of requirements, one amongst them is the need for proper content marketing.

However, for small businesses, it’s quite hard to employ full-timers who will dedicatedly work as content writers or content marketers. So, many businesses often look for a cost-effective way, which is outsourcing content marketing.

Outsourcing content writing to a freelance content writing service provider or a freelance content writer comes with many positives, and can also become a cost-effective way to manage your content marketing strategy. However, if you’re in the market looking for a freelance writer to outsource some of the content for your business, you can be overwhelmed real quick due to the staggering number of options.

So, here in this article, we have compiled 25 Tips to find the best content writing service for your business.


1) The Content Writer Should Understand Customers

While searching for freelance content writing services, look for writers who can understand your target customers. It’s not about writing thousands of words, but it’s about understanding the target audience, their demographics and helping your brand to find the proper voice. Most of the time, the best content writing service providers will take their time to know your business and its clients better for better ROI.

2) Sharing Insights with The Freelance Content Writer is the Key

In order to help your content writer to write meaningful content, you must provide them insights. Now you may ask, what kind of insights? These insights should include information regarding your target audience and how the blog addresses their pain points. If you are worried about data privacy, then all we can suggest is to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the content writing service provider.

3) Don’t Shy away from Telling Your Goals

While working with a freelance content writing service provider, or a lone freelancer you must explain your goals. Otherwise, they might not be able to help you. There might be times when you need proper SEO content writing to rank better than your competitors, and the content writer must know your requirements in order to help you with proper content, that sells.

4) Communication is the Key

If cost is the factor, then there’s a high chance that your freelance content writer will be working from a different time zone from yours, and in that case, easy communication should be the main priority. Work with those content writing agencies, who are transparent with their work, offer easy payment options, and can revise their content at least 2-3 times according to your feedback.

5) Using the Same Tools

Ask your freelance content writing service provider to use your tools. While working with a freelancer the last thing you would want is a freelancer who refuses to learn or work with new tools.  

6) Custom Content Writing Services

When it comes to freelance content writing services, some employers want a service provider who can create great content. While some look for more comprehensive options like agencies who can help them monitor the content’s performance or develop a content strategy. Few also look for providers who can help them with content distribution. So, must check with your content writing agency, if they can provide the service you need.

7) Look for Experienced Content Writers

It is good to have a content writer who has already written content in the field you are working on. Having some hands-on knowledge and experience helps to a large extent when it comes to writing the best content for your business.

8) Ask for Work Samples

Don’t shy away from asking for a previous work sample. If someone is experienced in your field then it’s great. However, a sample from the writer will eventually help you know your freelance writers’ real knowledge.

9) Ask The Freelance Content Writer for Paid Samples

You must understand, the content writing agencies or freelance content writers work for multiple clients at a time. In that case, we always suggest you ask for a paid sample as it will inspire the writer to write better content for you, which will help you to understand your freelance content writer better.

10) Don’t Use Samples on your Website

Few clients often publish the work samples provided by the freelance content writer on their website, without seeking any permission. We would suggest you refrain from doing such things, as those content aren’t yours and they are supposed to work as samples for your understanding. If you still want to publish those samples, then we would suggest you take permission from the writer beforehand. And it’s also a good practice to pay for the content you are publishing.

11) Content Writing Costs Quite a Bit

If you are expecting to work with an experienced freelance content writer then be prepared to pay a bit more than others. It’s not always easy to find a niche-based freelance content writer, which often shoots up the charges.

12) SEO Based Content Writing Service

A freelance content writing service provider must have a piece of great knowledge of SEO content writing. It must be familiar with SEO tools, keyword research, and optimizing content to maximize your ROI.

13) Ask the Content Writing Service Provide About SEO

Always ask SEO-related queries to your content writing agency. You can ask, how they would optimize content for SEO. Once you’re entirely sure about their effectiveness then only you should opt for their services. SEO content writing is essential when it comes to any professional content writing services and it requires quite a bit of study and research.    

14) High-Quality Content is the Need of the Hour

Always opt for well-written content, which is engaging, and interesting & free of any grammar or syntax error. A high-quality content must be unique, fresh, and original.  

15) A Great Portfolio

While assessing the sample work, you must check for the uniqueness, quality, and errors in the content. Don’t forget to do an SEO audit of the content writer’s website in order to know if they are following what they are preaching.


16) Hire a Proactive Content Writing Service Provider

Opting for those content writing agencies who take initiatives by themselves is a very good thing for your business. So, before hiring a creative content writer, ask him/her if he/she is willing to proactively participate in the assignment and if he/she is capable to do his/her own research.

17) Say it Clearly

If you are annoyed with constant proactiveness or questions and want your creative content writer to stick to your guidelines, then say it upfront. The key to effective content writing is to maintain transparency between the freelance content writing agency and you.  

18) Work with Established Content Writing Agency

Always opt for established content writing agencies, which have strict codes and procedures, which helps when it comes to delivering content in time.

19) Ask your Peers

It’s always a good idea to ask your peers for suggestions. Your peers won’t suggest a content writing agency, with whom they had a poor experience. Asking peers regarding effective content writing services can become very helpful.  

20) Don’t Entertain Delays

Always keep an eye on the response time of the freelance content writer. To create an effective content writing strategy, one needs to be responsive to their clients. If someone takes more than 48 hours to respond then it’s good to consider them to be unreliable.

 21) Look at Reviews of the Freelance Content Writer

Nowadays we don’t buy a cellphone without looking at their reviews. So, when it comes to your business, don’t settle for something less. Always look for reviews. Every well-known or established freelance content writer has reviews, and testimonials, which need to be checked out before hiring.

22) Ask for Specialized SEO Tools

Don’t forget to ask the content writing agency regarding the use of specialized SEO tools. In today’s day and age, it’s nearly impossible to create good SEO-optimized content without using any specialized SEO tools.

23) Opting for Full-Service Providers

End-to-end services are mostly for those businesses that prefer to get rid of the headache of content creation, optimization, monitoring, and distribution. If you need a full-service provider then only you should opt for it as it comes with quite a hefty price tag.

24) Writing Service Providers are an Extension of Your Team

Always treat your content writing service provider as an extension of your current team. They will work alongside your full-time team in order to increase your ROI. To create an effective content marketing strategy, you must share information with your freelancers without any worry.  

25) Don’t Bargain

Content writing is a labor-intensive job, and it doesn’t come cheap. If you are being offered a really low price, then there’s a high chance of the content being not good enough or the creative content writer is not enough experienced for your niche. So, choose wisely, and don’t always opt for cost-effective content writing services, and most importantly don’t bargain.


So, here are the top 25 hacks to find a content writing service for your business. Finding an affordable content writing service or ghost content writing service can be challenging sometimes. However, just keep in mind that effective content writing can be a key to your business’s success. So, take your time to go through all the points above and find someone right within your budget and see the magic


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