Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine Otesanya David March 24, 2022

Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine

Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine


In the Luhansk region, fighting continues in the streets of Rubizhne. So far, four people have been killed, including two children; six more have been injured.

Overnight, Russian troops launched missile attacks and dropped phosphorous bombs on the Luhansk region, targeting the towns of Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rbuzhne, Kreminna, Novodruzhesk, and Voyevodivka in particular.

Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine - 4 dead including 2 children
Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine – 4 dead including 2 children

Four people were killed as a result of the shelling of the city, including two children.

Six more people were hurt.

35 towns and villages currently lack electricity, with 21 having no access at all, leaving 101,526 people without power.

“The Russians are in agony. They can’t advance any further, so they have started to use heavy ammunition, executing rocket strikes on Lysychansk and Novodruzhesk, and dropping phosphorous bombs on Rubizhne from Russian aircraft. So, unfortunately, the number of victims might be much higher,” said Serhiy Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram.

“Grad systems, phosphorus bombs, aviation. Russians do not care what to use to kill Ukrainians. Against people. Against life. The Russians use all their weapons to kill civilians. Russcists clearly understand who and what they fire on. Nobody has long believed in fables about military bases. Were two small children killed today in Rubizhne because troops were based in their apartment?! Russian monsters!,” he posted on Facebook.

You were reading: Russian Air Force drops phosphorus bombs in Ukraine – 4 dead including 2 children


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