Managing the complexity of cloud strategies Otesanya David March 28, 2022

Managing the complexity of cloud strategies

Managing the complexity of cloud strategies


How you use cloud computing will be a major decision in your application strategy architecture and planning, and multicloud is becoming increasingly the popular choice among cloud architects for building high-end, cloud-centric, enterprise applications. If you’ve already decided on a multicloud strategy, you must decide what type of multicloud strategy is best for your application. That decision may not be as clear-cut as you might think.

Types of multicloud strategies

In general, multicloud is a strategy with which a single application is deployed using more than one cloud provider. For example, as shown in Figure 1, an application could be deployed to both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and take advantage of both sets of cloud services.

cloud strategies 01 IDG

Figure 1. Application deployed to multiple cloud providers.

But what is the application using each cloud provider for? That depends on how the decision to use multiple providers was made. Why would you want to deploy an application across more than one cloud provider?

Often, no formal decision is made and the choice to become multicloud happens haphazardly. This is especially common with companies that are new to the cloud or lack cloud sophistication. One group of engineers on one day decided to use an AWS service, such as Amazon S3. Another group on another day decided to use a GCP service. Independently, service teams may decide they need to deploy service capabilities within one or the other cloud provider’s services, and different groups may make different decisions.

While using multiple cloud providers does have advantages, using them randomly or haphazardly like this seldom does. Yet, it’s a common pattern.

Cloud specialization with polycloud

Fortunately, often the choice to become multicloud is planned.

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