Ibadan too strategic to be culturally compromised Otesanya David March 24, 2022

Ibadan too strategic to be culturally compromised

Ibadan too strategic to be culturally compromised


From Oluseye Ojo, Ibadan

Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Lekan Balogun, Alli Okunmade ll, has been urged to ensure that the culture and tradition of Yorubaland are given pride of place in the activities of his reign as the 42nd Olubadan.

The Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, Iba Gani Adams, gave the urge on Thursday when he paid a congratulatory visit to the Alarere residence of the first-class monarch in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

According to him, “Whatever is seen being done here in Ibadan becomes the norm in other towns and cities. In short, Ibadan is regarded as a model and whatever is allowed as permissible as part of Yoruba culture and tradition would be seen as being acceptable and other towns and cities would cue in.

“The implication of this for our reverred monarch as the custodian of culture and tradition is that our values must be protected and necessary encouragement is given while anything that would erode them must be checked.”

Adams, however, noted that gap exists between the government and the governed, especially in the area of security, customs and tradition as well as land matters, saying the traditional rulers should be given roles to play in governance with a view to bridging the existing gap.

Oba Balogun, in his response praised the Aare-Ona Kakanfo for the way and manner he discharges his responsibilities in Yorubaland, especially the promotion of culture, customs and tradition across the Yorubaland with a promise to ensure he achieves more success in Ibadanland.

He stated further that Adams has so far justified the confidence reposed in him, which led to his installation as Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland some years ago. He advised him to keep up the good work of cultural rejuvenation of Yorubaland.

Meanwhile, Oba Balogun has said promotion to fill vacant positions in the two lines that have been producing Olubadan on rotational basis would start on Friday March 25, 2022, at his official palace, Ali-Iwo Compound, Ibadan.


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