Chernobyl: Nuclear safety regulators urge Russia to grant access Otesanya David March 27, 2022

Chernobyl: Nuclear safety regulators urge Russia to grant access

Chernobyl: Nuclear safety regulators urge Russia to grant access


Russian forces have threatened safety at several nuclear power plants in Ukraine including Chernobyl, but the risk of a serious radiation release is thought to be low


15 March 2022

RUSSIANS INVADE UKRAINE -- MARCH 10, 2022: 17 Maxar satellite imagery closeup of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. 10mar2022_wv2. Please use: Satellite image (c) 2022 Maxar Technologies.

Satellite photo of Chernobyl power plant taken on 10 March

Maxar/DigitalGlobe/Getty​ Images

Three weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, concerns are growing about the safety of several nuclear sites across the country.

But the risk of a serious incident is thought to be low despite Russian troops having disrupted normal safety procedures. Simon Middleburgh at Bangor University in the UK says the circumstances are serious and Russia’s actions in regard to nuclear sites in Ukraine have been “completely reckless”, but that a significant radiation release is unlikely.

Ukraine is home to …


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