Amid Crisis, Oyo APC Inaugurates State Excos, 32 Local Chairmen Otesanya David March 23, 2022

Amid Crisis, Oyo APC Inaugurates State Excos, 32 Local Chairmen

Amid Crisis, Oyo APC Inaugurates State Excos, 32 Local Chairmen


Despite the internal crisis experienced by members of the Oyo All Progressives Congress, APC, the party has inaugurated 35 state excos members and 32 local government chairmen, with the exception of Egbeda LGA.

Hon. Isaac Omodewu, the contested state party chairman conducted the inauguration on Tuesday morning, at the Oke Ado State Secretariat of the party.

Recall, the APC would be holding it’s national convention on Saturday, March 26, 2022.

Although notable chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC) were absent at the inauguration of the state and local government executive councils of the state party, Omodewu vowed that with the ongoing harmonisation and reconciliation process, APC would dislodge Governor ‘Seyi Makinde-led Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in 2023 general elections.

While the reason for putting Egbeda local government on hold was undisclosed, the state chairman said the emergence of the new local and ward executives were products of the ongoing harmonisation and reconciliation process within the party.

In his address after the inauguration he said, “Fellow members of our great party, the congresses have come and gone; there is no victor, no vanquished. It’s time to get united and mobilised for the 2023 general elections.

“My main tasks are to unite all tendencies within the party and to lead APC to victories in 2023 general elections.

“To be in charge of a very sophisticated political party like APC is a heavy responsibility; I assure our teeming members, it is a responsibility we will not take very lightly. I pledge to do my utmost, God being on my side, to justify the faith and the confidence all APC members have imposed on me and other executives at all levels.

“To whom much is given, much is expected. Therefore, I pledge to run an open and transparent administration where all party members will be carried along. Also, our administration will instill discipline, respect for rule of law and constituted authorities within and outside the party.

“Apart from genuine reconciliation and harmonisation, our administration has also embarked on aggressive membership drive. Let me reiterate that APC is a party built on the principles of democracy and human development; the party provides equal opportunity for every party member and any Nigerian that is willing to join the party.

“To the state and local party executives being inaugurated today, I charge you to work in line with the party’s constitution and also ensure you carry all party members along without discrimination or nepotism. You are also expected to work hard to settle all disputes and differences in the party living no aggrieved party member behind.

“I am assuring our party leaders, aspirants and their supporters that era of impunity and imposition of candidates is over. Our administration shall create a level-playing field for members jostling for one position or the other in 2023 elections. We’re returning the party to the members; they will determine the faiths of all aspirants. No leader or group will be allowed to impose candidates on the party.”

Omodewu has also directed local chairmen to inaugurate other local and ward executives immediately with the exception of Ibadan Southwest LGA, Ibadan Northeast LGA, Ibadan Northwest LGA, Oyo West LGA and Iseyin LGA; noting that harmonisation and reconciliation process is in progress in the aforementioned council areas.


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