Allow Candidates To Fight For Themselves–Amb. Coomassie Tells Party Leaders – THE AUTHORITY NEWS Otesanya David March 26, 2022

Allow Candidates To Fight For Themselves–Amb. Coomassie Tells Party Leaders – THE AUTHORITY NEWS

Allow Candidates To Fight For Themselves–Amb. Coomassie Tells Party Leaders – THE AUTHORITY NEWS


Following reports released by PREMIUM TIMES that the president Mohammedu Buhari has persuaded and negotiated with the governors and other leaders of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), and the report that six other aspirants for the office of the national chairman have agreed to step down for Abdullahi Adamu, President Muhammadu Buhari’s choice for the job, a leading chieftain of APC and
the immediate past Deputy National Coordinator, North & Diaspora, Buhari Campaign Organisation, Amb. (Dr) Hussaini H. Coomassie has faulted/criticised the disenfranchisement of other candidates, calling it undemocratic.

Reacting to the development, Amb Coomassie who’s also the United Nations SDG Ambassador and Global vice Chairman, Advocacy For Good Governance and Social Justice Network says what the party stands for has been defeated by this singular act.

He made the call in far away Paris where he’s representing his organisation at the ongoing Peace & conflict resolution Meeting on Russia/Ukraine war.

Coomassie call on party leaders to be open minded when it comes to electioneering so that Nigerians won’t see 2023 election as a charade.

He also wants candidates to be given benefit of the doubt to try their popularity in every primary election. In as much as I have special respect for my President and elder, but definitely consensus candidate like Sen. Abdullahi Adamu, who is too rigid to handle the party at this type of this time, mark my word he cant deliver.

As a matter of fact, with the way things are going with my party now, I’m afraid I can only see cloudy weather for the rulling APC in 2023 as far as Sen. Abdullahi Adamu’s leadership is concerned, he added.


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